Corporate Culture


Added Value

Our comprehensive infrastructure and staff capacity enables LPC to make dedicated staff and other resources available to clients as and when required. Our dedication to our clients objectives ensures that we often exceed their expectations.



LPC believes that the development of members of staff to their maximum potential contributes mutually to the staff’s and firm’s success and its policy is that it has specific responsibility to provide development opportunities to its staff


Social Responsibility

We aim to combine the provision of high quality legal services to our clients with a rewarding working environment and an awareness of the wider community.

Participation is both by individuals and as a firm. Typical activities include:

  • Providing pro bono legal advise to the indigent
  • Sponsorship of the education of indigent students

We are a founding member of ‘Children’s Education Foundation’ a non Governmental organization that was formed to assist with the education of indigent young people in Nigeria, including providing individual scholarships and assisting to build and improve infrastructure to create a conducive learning environment.